Thursday, January 17, 2013

Canoe Tales (Part 2)

So there I was...canoeing down the North Fork River in southwest Missouri many years ago with a bunch of guys I worked with.  I was in the stern or back of the canoe and my buddy, Terry King, was in the front.  We were navigating some large boulders in the river and got wedged against one near the shore.  Terry started pushing us backward to free the canoe but unbeknownst to him he was pushing me into overhanging bushes on the side of the river.  Things live in such bushes so I calmly said, "Terry".  No response as he continued to push back.  A little louder, "Terry".  Again no response.  Then I came eye to eye with the large snake hanging on one of the limbs no more than 12 inches from me.  "TERRY",  I shouted and dove face first into the stream forgetting that it was only 6 inches deep.  As I'm flopping around like a beached whale my buddy, that term used loosely, is laughing hysterically from his place of safety.
     Then there was the time Kim and I were canoeing Bryant Creek, also in southwest Missouri.  Again, I was in the stern and as the creek narrowed we passed under the low hanging limb of a tree.  Kim, without saying a word, jumps from the canoe into the foot deep water and runs for the shore.  Bewildered at loosing my canoe buddy, that term used loosely, I look up to see the snake inches from my head.  She left me to be eaten.  Fortunately the snake wasn't interested.

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