Thursday, October 4, 2012

Always On The Move

So there I was...leaving Manhassett, on the north shore of Long Island, early in the morning heading for Hell's Gate in the East River toward Manhattan.  Taking a hard right before I got to the "big city", I headed up the Harlem River.  I couldn't stop singing the song Spanish Harlem the whole distance of the river until I came to the Hudson River.  There were no songs for the Hudson River.  Then there was a very bumpy night spent at anchor in the bay created by Croton Point.  This was followed by a drive by of West Point and later that day I anchored in a quiet harbor 2 1/2 miles up a creek in Kingston, NY having a meal at a creekside bar with some very colorful individuals.  The next day I was on to another anchorage in another creek just south of Coeymans, NY where I spent two days of solitude followed by a nerve racking morning feeling my way through the pea soup fog and rain to make it to the marina where I took on 145 gallons of diesel fuel to the tune of $641.37.  The very pregnant young women who helped me with dock lines then took my money with a big smile making that pill go down a little easier.  Off into the rain I went making my way through Albany and onto the Federal Lock in Troy, NY, the first of many locks that I will navigate in the coming weeks.  Just a short distance from there was the entrance to the Erie Canal. As I write this I'm tied to a dock just below the first of 30 locks and 184 miles of canal before I find myself in Lake Ontario, one of our Great Lakes.  Then another 75 miles to get to Rochester, NY.  Why Rochester, you might ask?  That's where Kim, the love of my life, lives. 


  1. Waynester, how long will that gas last? What happens if you run out!

  2. I'm sure Kim is happily waiting for the arrival of Captain Swigs! Be careful and God Bless

  3. Okay, this is my favorite of your blogs. Come home to me, Swiggy
