Friday, October 18, 2013

Be Aware

So there I was...laying in bed this morning listening to the wind increasing outside.  I wondered if it had changed direction in the night and if that had swung the boat around putting it dangerously close to the nearby rocks just south of me or the nearby anchored boat just to the north of me.  Either could cause major damage so I needed to force myself from under the covers to check the situation.  As I gathered my wits about me I realized that I was in my house, not my boat, and it really didn't matter which way the wind was blowing.  Relieved and disappointed all at the same time I got up to look out the window for no particular reason.  No rocks.  No boats.  Just squirrels running around the back yard.  Well, that was a waste of adrenaline.  Don't get me wrong, it's nice to feel safe but try as I may I don't remember all the safe times in my life.  On the other hand, the heart pumping, goose bumping, throat lumping, nerve jumping times are etched in my memory.  When living on the boat I anchored almost everywhere I stopped for the night so the winds, bad weather, tides, rocks and other boats were a constant concern.  Vigilance was a necessity.  It may not sound like something you'd wish for but it connected me to my surroundings creating  a sensitivity to the subtle nuances of my environment.  It made me aware.  When you're aware, you not only notice but also appreciate the little things in life that make every day special.  I hope I don't lose that sensitivity now that I'm off the water.  Today, whatever it brings, is too important to miss.

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