Thursday, November 7, 2013


So there I was...watching the 60 mph wind gusts bend the trees and put the leaves to flight last Friday from the front window of my home.  Walking to the kitchen to look at the backyard something seemed amiss.  A huge tree that sat at the intersection of the backyard corner of four houses, one of them being mine, had fallen into the neighbor's yard directly behind me narrowly missing his garage.  Not knowing for sure who owned the tree we decided whoever's yard it fell into was the owner.  Why I'm telling you this story is because I really loved having that tree there.  It created a great backdrop to our yard and Kim and I just got that corner all cleaned up to where it finally had a nice finished look.  Things in life are rarely perfect and if they are they're not usually for long.  When on the boat this doesn't effect me much as constant change is inevitable out there so I expect it.  On land I count on things being a bit more stable but life is not a stable venue.  We need to stay flexible and ready to bend to the winds of change.  While doing that, we need to grow our roots deep through God, family and friends so we can weather the storms and changes.  Finally, we need to lighten up and laugh more.  There are times for serious introspection and sorrow but after giving it due consideration let the smile return, realizing with change comes growth.  This life really is quite an adventure.

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